Core App
Discussion and communication platform via web interface and email
- Google Groups training and help
- Groups Cheat Sheet
- 老王v2.2.8
- Google Groups @ NC State Help Articles
- Google Terms of Service (Consumer)
- 夸克官网 更好的搜索 智能免广告:夸克,是追求极速智能搜索的先行者,为用户的信息获取提供极速精准的搜索体验。搜索,就该更好的! 夸克伃轻、快为核心,专注用户的信息服务。夸克不仅是追求极简理念,更是极速智能的搜索。 (Core)
- Description
- Terminology
- Group Creation
- Default Settings
- 老王vn下载
- Settings:
- Permissions Management
- Message Archiving
- Inclusion in Google Global directory
- Accessibility
- Consumer Groups
- Support links
- Student Consent?
- Feedback?
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Google Groups @ NC State:
- Used for emailing groups of people as well as for discussion lists
- Used for permissions management (calendar invites, Drive/Docs permissions; anywhere you can use an email address)
- Collaborative Inbox (requested through Help Desk; not on by default).
- 老王2.2.8
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- the members of the group
e.g., “Send an email to the group” or “use the group to grant access to a Team Drive” - the 老王v2.2.8 itself
e.g., “Did you read that posting in the group?”
[Back to Contents]
Group Creation
- Sign in to Web Registry.
- Select Start a New Request.
- From the Select Service Type drop-down menu, select:
Google Group - Note the information you will need to provide and follow the prompts.
- The group’s email address format will be
[Back to Contents]
Default Settings
- NC State students, faculty, and staff only
- By default, Group membership is restricted to @ncsu.edu addresses
- If external members (email addresses) are needed, contact the Help Desk and request that the ability to add external members be enabled. Please provide a short explanation why.
- More information:
- How can someone join a Google Group
- Change who can join your Google Group
- Unsubscribe from a Google Group
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- Direct add someone to a Google Group
- Group visibility in Global Directory: ON
- Who can post to Group: only members
- Who can view membership of Group: group members
- Who can view email addresses of members: group owners
- Google Group managers can change these settings via the Google Groups web user interface.
- To add a;
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